Saturday, January 10, 2009


Photo 120: Introduction to Photography

Instructor: Allison Watkins
Spring 2009
Sat 9-12 Room: 3950

The syllabus and calendar are subject to change.

Course Description:
This is a course will introduce you to the basics of photography through lecture and technical demonstration. By the end of the semester you will have learned basic photographic vocabulary, camera techniques, ways to create interesting photographs, and a brief history of photography. You will learn to control your camera, making photographs which you intend to make, not photographs (or snapshots) which are based on luck or happy accidents.
Our goal in this class is to make expressive and meaningful photographs with the goal of creating art. To further strengthen your artistic vocabulary, we will be looking at a variety of artist’s who use photography in different ways. You are expected to do some research on your own: visit galleries, museums, and check out books from the library.
I am most interested in your dedication, enthusiasm, participation and growth throughout the semester. Your work is evaluated on criteria such as creativity, expressiveness, technical skill, and attention to detail. Do keep in mind that great work does not come easily. Get to know your camera and be sure to give yourself enough time with each assignment!
I truly want you to succeed in this class, please come to me with any questions you may have.

Attendance is seen as participation, and is mandatory and crucial to your success in this class. Attending class is expected and will not improve your grade, but absence will lower it. Role will be taken at the beginning of every lecture class. On lab days, there will be a lab sign up sheet. If for some reason you need to miss class please contact me, my email address is listed above.. Because this class meets only once a week we will be covering a lot of material in one session; you are responsible for material covered in a missed session.

Absence from class in excess of two weeks without notification will result in your withdrawal from class or receiving a failing grade. Students who are frequently absent, often tardy &/or leave early (this policy includes break times) tend to miss key course material & often do not complete the course successfully. Students that just disappear and do not withdraw themselves from the class will definitely fail the course.

(See individual assignment handouts)

Visual Assignments:

One: Metering
Two: Shutterspeed and Aperture
Three: Light observations
Four: Composition
Five: Still life and Fabrication
Six: B+W vs. Color
Seven: Diptychs and Triptychs
Eight: Landscape
Nine: Self Portrait
Ten: Final Portfolio

*Most of the assignments are designated by technique- you decide what you choose to photograph. Take into consideration what interests you, and take pictures of that. Always think about what you’re photographing and what the implications of the photographs are.
Do not ever use the same photographs for different assignments.

Critiques: This class will function like a workshop. We will be sharing both our achievements and our failures! When you come to class with your work be prepared to comment on both the content and the technique. You are expected to participate and show respect to your fellow classmates during critique.

Written Assignments:
(See individual assignment handouts)

Artist Investigation and Presentation
Choose a photographer of your choice who uses photography in a way that interests you. Be specific about why you are drawn to this artist’s work, and what their work means to you. Critique their work in a two-page, double-spaced paper. Be sure to give specific examples and describe the work to the best of your ability. If you would like to include images you may do so at the end of your paper (after the two written pages).
You will be giving a 5-10 minute presentation on this artist. You can use the web to show us images of you artist’s work, or give a slide show using digital images.

Gallery/Museum Visit (off campus)
Visit a gallery or museum of your choice. Write a one-page, summary of your visit and thoughts on the exhibition. Be as descriptive and detailed as possible. Let me know what your likes and dislikes were. Check the class blog for galleries/museums throughout the Bay Area and find out when they’re showing photography.

Final Critique: Come ready with your final projects. Work must be complete and ready to present. No late work will be accepted.

Grading: Visual Assignments= 100 Points
Written Assignments and Individual Presentation= 100 Points
Attendance and Participation= 100 Points
Final Exam= 100 Points
Final Portfolio= 600 Points
Total: 1000 Points

The work created in class will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
A Excellent: thoughtful and intelligent ideas presented in a clear, organized, and technically interesting manner; insightful solution presented. Presence and participation in all critiques.
B Above average—Good: the ideas are interesting and successfully presented; shows potential, but not necessarily distinctive; roughly equal in quality to the majority of work completed by other students. Good attendance.
C Average—mediocre: achieves minimum requirements of the assignment, but not particularly clear, successful, or ambitious. Quality of the work is below that of most other projects submitted. May be above average idea presented in an incomplete state. Participation in critique is limited.
D Unsatisfactory-below average: does not satisfy the minimum requirements of the assignment, generally unsatisfactory in terms of quality and clarity. Student doesn’t participate in critique.
F Assignments were not submitted or are incomplete. No participation during critique.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Assignment 2: Aperture and Shutter Speed

Assignment 2: Aperture and Shutter Speed

Assignment 1: Metering

Assignment 1 Metering:
Welcome to our Photography 120 Blog. Here you will find many of the tools you need for the class, including assignment handouts as well as some images discussed in class. This blog is for you, the student. Please visit it if you have lost your syllabus, calendar, or assignment sheets.